A year after Loki's devastating alien attack on New York, the Mighty Thor along with his friends Lady Sif and the Warriors Three fight to save the Nine Realms from deadly threats. When Thor's girlfriend Jane Foster discovers a fluid like weapon called the Aether, she unknowingly awakens the evil Malekith and his Dark Elf army. With this, Asgard may be facing it's darkest hour. Thor forms an uneasy alliance with his nemesis Loki to save Jane, stop Malekith and save the Nine Realms from total chaos and darkness. When Dr. Jane Foster gets cursed with a powerful entity known as the Aether, Thor is heralded of the cosmic event known as the Convergence and the genocidal Dark Elves. Halfway through this debacle and struggling to keep my attention from wandering. Oh wait I'm writing this so attention well and truly on a holiday.The only thing good about it is Tom Hiddlestone. He says his lines as though he means them and understands them.The film is unengaging and I find the actors unconvincing. I saw the first movie and it was just OK. In this one however I find Idris Elba wasted and unbelievable as a character. Even Anthony Hopkins seemed to have just turned up for the cash. Loads of special effects and CGI especially in the Asgard scenes but if the story is not involving then they count for nothing. The female friend of Jane - can't remember her name- seems to have wandered in from some teen movie and is as irritating as hell! I just do not care about anyone in this movie at all. As someone else pointed out it looks as if it were put together by a committee! This is the sort of film that I could write and rewrite a review of several times, attempting to find just the right thing to say. For the sake of avoiding that, I will be brief.<br/><br/>Thor: The Dark World brings more characters and a wider scope of a story (and superb visual effects) into play, relative to its predecessor. Unfortunately, it loses the warmth and simple beauty that was present the first time around and suffers from an extremely clichéd, uninspiring and ultimately uninteresting execution of the overall plot. Viscerally, it is like watching handfuls of charcoal pencils repeatedly crushed for a couple of hours. Dark, yes, but compelling, no.<br/><br/>It is not a "bad" film per se. It is just not particularly good, in my opinion. In the theater, it felt very lengthy and I was fatigued as a viewer, which either means that it is too long, or has the effect of being so. Either way, not a good thing.<br/><br/>In particular, the villain is underdeveloped, as is the relationship arc between Thor and Jane. Generally, the story is clear and easy to follow, but it is a bit cluttered to the point of meandering effect, and does not manage to escape a certain pervasive dullness. The employment of humor is a double-edged sword – it undermines the needed elegant seriousness of the story, while at the same time mercifully making it watchable.<br/><br/>I want to note a few scenes, though, that do impress and inspire me. Early in the film, a few moments are spent in a tavern and in the street outside, somewhere relatively pedestrian in Asgard. It feels wintry and almost like A Christmas Carol. It also feels more personable than most of what follows. There is a beautiful funeral scene as well, very evocative and for me, a return to the mythological pleasures of the first Thor film. Finally, a scene in which Frigga engages in mesmerizing hand-to-hand combat with the villain. These are instances in which I can feel the potential for how great a Thor film COULD be, with a truly great character-driven story and the right director. Here's hoping for next time.<br/><br/>Overall, technically decent but a mundane viewer experience. To put a different way, less than the sum of its parts. I would group this film with The Incredible Hulk and Iron Man 2 as Marvel Studios' least interesting installments so far. 6.5/10 Although director Alan Taylor manages to get things going properly for the final battle in London, the long stretches before that on Asgard and the other branches of Yggdrasil are a drag. Thor is a character created by comic book writers, artists, and editors Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, and Jack Kirby. He debuted in the August 1962 issue of Journey Into Mystery (#83). The screenplay for Thor: The Dark World was a collaborative effort by American screenwriters Christopher Yost, Christopher Markus, Stephen McFeely, Don Payne, and Robert Rodat. Thor: The Dark World is the second movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe's Thor series, preceded by <a href="/title/tt0800369/">Thor (2011)</a> (2011) and followed by <a href="/title/tt3501632/">Thor: Ragnarok (2017)</a> (2017). Marvel's Thor also appears in <a href="/title/tt0848228/">The Avengers (2012)</a> (2012) and <a href="/title/tt2395427/">Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)</a> (2015). Thor (<a href="/name/nm1165110/">Chris Hemsworth</a>) whisks astronomer Jane Foster (<a href="/name/nm0000204/">Natalie Portman</a>) to Asgard when he learns that she has been possessed by a unknown energy. When Odin (<a href="/name/nm0000164/">Anthony Hopkins</a>) identifies the energy as "the Aether", a weapon that Asgardian warriors hid long ago to prevent it from being used by the Dark Elf leader Malekith (<a href="/name/nm0001172/">Christopher Eccleston</a>), who comes looking for it, Thor is forced to enlist the aid of his treacherous brother Loki (<a href="/name/nm1089991/">Tom Hiddleston</a>) in order to save Asgard. However, Loki may have his own plans. Every 5,000 years, the Nine Realms align perfectly, allowing the borders between the realms to become blurred, so people and things can easily pass between them. Leaving Jane in London with Eric (<a href="/name/nm0001745/">Stellan Skarsgård</a>), Darcy (<a href="/name/nm0993507/">Kat Dennings</a>), and Ian (<a href="/name/nm1401022/">Jonathan Howard</a>), Thor returns to Asgard. Odin offers him the throne, but Thor refuses it, saying he will protect Asgard and the Realms with his last every breath but not from the throne. "I'd rather be a good man than a great king," he explains. He tells Odin about Loki's final sacrifice, adding that Loki understood rule better than he ever could. Thor offers Mjölnir to Odin, but he refuses it, saying that it belongs to Thor. Odin then gives him the freedom to pursue his own life, presumably with Jane. As Thor walks out, Odin's shape shifts, revealing that he is really Loki. Actually, there are three scenes. In the first one, Volstagg (<a href="/name/nm0829032/">Ray Stevenson</a>) and Sif (<a href="/name/nm1526352/">Jaimie Alexander</a>) are shown delivering the Aether to The Collector (<a href="/name/nm0001125/">Benicio Del Toro</a>), who promises that it will be absolutely safe in his collection but asks why they don't keep it secure in their own vault. Volstagg explains that the Tesseract is already on Asgard, and it wouldn't be wise to keep two Infinity Stones so close to each other. As Volstagg and Sif walk away, the Collector looks at the safe holding the Aether and says to himself, "One down, five to go." In the second scene, Jane hears thunder, runs outside, and finds Thor has returned. They embrace. In the final scene, a Frost Giant from Jotunheim, accidentally transported to Earth during the final battle, continues to run amok. In the Marvel Universe, the Collector is one of the Elders of the Universe, a group of powerful beings who are among the oldest mortals in that universe. They are primarily defined by their obsessions, such as the Grandmaster who focuses on games of skill and chance while the Champion searches the universe for challenging beings to fight hand to hand. In the Collector's case, he is obsessed with collecting various objects and beings, often without regard for the proper ownership or liberties involved. He appears again in <a href="/title/tt2015381/">Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)</a> (2014). The Infinity Stones (Infinity Gems) are items with reality-altering powers that exceed every other force or power shown so far in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). When all of them are collected in an Infinity Gauntlet, the wielder is given power to destroy complete universes. Up to this point, a Infinity Gauntlet have been revealed, the right-handed one that was briefly shown in <a href="/title/tt0800369/">Thor (2011)</a> inside Odin's chambers. It's hinted that only extraordinary individuals can survive touching the Stones barehanded, and even in that case, it requires a great willpower to use the power of the Stones without a Gauntlet itself. Although the Stones had not yet been explicitly mentioned in the MCU at this point, several of them had already come by up. In a proper filmmaking point of view, these are the MacGuffin that keeps the entire MCU franchise united. At the end of The Dark World, three of the six Stones have been revealed and located:<br/><br/><ul><li>Blue (Space Gem): Hidden inside the Tesseract, it can open portals to between universes. First seen in <a href="/title/tt0458339/">Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)</a> (2011), where the Red Skull located it in a Norwegian monastery and used its energy to create highly advance weaponry during World War II. It's hinted in <a href="/title/tt1228705/">Iron Man 2 (2010)</a> (2010) that the original Arc Reactor technology used by Iron Man was designed based on knowledge Howard Stark once he recovered the Tesseract. In The Avengers, Loki and a mind-controlled Erik Selvig use it to open a portal to let the Chitauri army enter the Earth. Also, it's revealed that S.H.I.E.L.D designed new weaponry based on Tesseract technology as a backup in case the Avengers Indicative would fail. After Loki's defeat, Thor took it back to Asgard. It's kept in Odin's chambers and accessible to Loki once again, as well as the aforementioned Infinity Gauntlet, having taken control of Asgard during the events of The Dark World.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Red (Reality Gem): Hidden inside the Aether, it has the ability to transform matter into dark matter. First seen in The Dark World, thousands of years ago in a war where King Bor of Asgard (father of Odin) defeated Malekith, leader of the dark elves. In modern times, Dr. Jane Foster discovered it once again while studying gravitational disturbances in London, putting her own life in danger. During the events of the Convergence, Malekith briefly took control of it inside his body, rendering him near invincible. After Thor's victory over him, it was handed over to the Collector to avoid having two Infinity Stones together in the same place. The Collector's alliances and ultimate goal were unknown at this point.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Yellow (Mind Gem): Hidden inside Loki's scepter, it has the ability to control minds as well as create new ones, such as Ultron and the Vision. First seen in The Avengers when it is assumed that Thanos himself or The Other (leader of the Chitauri army) gave it to Loki. With it, Loki stabbed and killed Agent Phil Coulson, causing Iron Man, Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Haweye and Hulk to unite to avenge him. Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) used it to close the portal Loki and a mind-controlled Dr. Selvig created it to let the Chitauri army attack New York. S.H.I.E.L.D. took it under custody for study.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Purple (Power Gem): Yet to be revealed.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Green (Time Stone): Yet to be revealed.</li></ul><br/><br/><ul><li>Orange (Soul Stone): Yet to be revealed.</li></ul><br/><br/>These remaining three Stones and their respective powers are revealed over the course of MCU's Phase 2—comprised of <a href="/title/tt1843866/">Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)</a> (2014), <a href="/title/tt2015381/">Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)</a> (2014) and <a href="/title/tt1300854/">Iron Man 3 (2013)</a> (2013), culminating in <a href="/title/tt2395427/">Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)</a> (2015), with <a href="/title/tt0478970/">Ant-Man (2015)</a> (2015)—and Phase 3—comprised of <a href="/title/tt3498820/">Captain America: Civil War (2016)</a> (2016), <a href="/title/tt1211837/">Doctor Strange (2016)</a> (2016), <a href="/title/tt3896198/">Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)</a> (2017), <a href="/title/tt2250912/">Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)</a> (2017), <a href="/title/tt3501632/">Thor: Ragnarok (2017)</a> (2017) and <a href="/title/tt1825683/">Black Panther (2018)</a> (2018), culminating in <a href="/title/tt4154756/">Avengers: Infinity War (2018)</a> (2018) and <a href="/title/tt4154796/">Untitled Avengers Movie (2019)</a> (2019), with <a href="/title/tt5095030/">Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)</a> (2018), <a href="/title/tt1270797/">Venom (2018)</a> (2018) and <a href="/title/tt4154664/">Captain Marvel (2019)</a> (2019). Yes. There is an uncredited cameo by <a href="/name/nm0262635/">Chris Evans</a> as Steve Rogers / Captain America. Loki masquerades as Steve during a conversation with Thor. Additionally, there is a S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on one of Jane's equipment and they are mentioned several times. He can be seen in a psychiatric hospital asking Erik Selvig to give back his shoe. a5c7b9f00b The Mighty Quinn movie in hindi free downloadthe An Innocent Man full movie in hindi free download hdThe Bourne Identity torrentThe Rolling Soldier tamil dubbed movie torrentOnly Light full movie in hindi free download mp4Captain Apache full movie in hindi 720p downloadEpisode 1.1 tamil pdf downloadThe Indivisibility of Blood 720p moviesSuperman full movie download 1080p hdfree download Gangster's Den
Flawakes replied
335 weeks ago